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Free LPN programs near me

Free LPN programs near me: There are programs you need to enroll in if you intend to become a licensed practical nurse. Normally, you are required to register and become a nurse through a formal program. But if you are searching for free programs to start with, then this guide provides you with both online and offline choices to make. One good thing about the free courses is that they are pacesetters that help you determine if you are qualified to go into a career in nursing, and for those who are already licensed, these programs will help you brush up on your skills to remain outstanding as an LPN posted anywhere to work or practice. 

Free LPN programs near me

Searching for free LPN programs near me? Then you may either consider the online or offline options. Like I said earlier, these programs will make you a better person. Even with all your LPN qualifications, you still need to get yourself registered and test how far you have come!

Free Online LPN Programs

1: Tufts University

Tufts University creates an avenue for aspiring LPNs to access their free courses using the OpenCourseWare network platform. When you register for this program, you are a lecturer on all you need to know about human growth and development, which would be very beneficial to you as a practicing LPN or an intending LPN.

2: Des Moines University

Des Moines University, Iowa, is providing an LPN program free of charge, and the course is to familiarize you with the medical terminologies you will be coming across in the field. The course is available online. You are not offering this course as a credit to your qualifications, but you are free to request a certificate of completion to show that you have scaled through the training.

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Free LPN Programs Near Me in Massachusetts

If you are in Massachusetts, you can register for an LPN education under the following programs:

1: The Bristol Community College Financial Aid

Bristol Community College Financial Aid is being sponsored by the college as a form of financial aid assistance to be provided for students who aspire to be nurses. As a Massachusetts resident, you may also look out for other state incentives that are eligible at your disposition. On the list of these programs are:

  • Commonwealth Opportunity Scholarship
  • MassTransfer
  • Scholarships from BCC.


Please bear in mind that most of these scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit or need.

2: Quinsigamond Community College Financial Aid

You can register for a free LPN program at Quinsigamond Community College. The college has different financial aid programs in stock that are offered to assist with the cost of getting a nursing education.

3: The Federal and State Financial Aid

The federal and state financial aid programs in Massachusetts are given to help aspiring LPNs reduce the cost of acquiring a nursing degree, and these programs are funded at both the federal and state levels.

4: The Marilyn Professional Scholarship Award

To be eligible for an award from the Marilyn Professional Scholarship Board, you must be registered under an LPN program in the state. And you must have loved Massachusetts for not less than four years. To be eligible for selection, your enrollment in this free LPN program in Massachusetts should be on a full-time basis, and you must be able to show that you are dedicated to becoming an LPN and that you have all it takes to strive and make impacts in the field.

5: The Greenfield Community College scholarship

Greenfield Community College provides financial aid support to students who desire to become nurses. This free LPN program is a three-year Foundation Scholarship program and is open to both returning and new students.
Here are amazing scholarship opportunities for you!

Free LPN Programs Near Me in NYC

1: New York City HHC

The New York City HHC provides free LPN programs in NYC, and it is an amazing opportunity for people who are interested in becoming professionals in the healthcare field. Your nursing career can be ignited when you start an LPN education. The program will last for up to eleven months (in most cases, from September to June). The New York City HHC LPN program is offered free of charge, but one thing you should know is that they have very selective admission; out of every application received, only about forty students are accepted. The earlier you apply, the better.

2: 1199 SEIU Funds LPN Scholarship

The 1199SEIU Funds Scholarship is among the most outstanding LPN programs in NYC and is offered free of charge. This free LPN program is a funding opportunity in a wide range of areas, including an LPN program for persons who have been registered as Licensed Practical Nurses in education and learning. The 1199SEIU scholarship will cover the cost of your tuition, textbooks, uniforms, and other supplies.

3: LaGuardia Community College

LaGuardia Community College provides a free LPN program in NYC. Their program is administered through the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of New York. Students can choose from a myriad of degree choices in their respective career paths, and those who intend to become licensed practical nurses have courses in stock for them. 48 credits in total will be completed under this free LPN program sponsored by LaGuardia Community College.

4: Duchess Community College

Duchess Community College is offering a series of programs that could change your career for the better. This program grants students access to apply to a four-year college or institution of learning. As a beneficiary of this program, you may be lucky to receive tuition fee assistance for other programs offered at the school.

5: The Hudson Valley Technology Development Center

The Hudson Valley Technology Development Center is providing a free LPN program for nurses, and they offer other career training programs at their base in New York City. When you actively participate in their free LPN programs and graduate from their course, you are eligible to become a licensed healthcare professional who can work in the state. Their state-of-the-art facilities and pattern of education will boost your learning experience and improve your overall performance in exams and in their clinical rotation.

6: Bronx Community College Scholarship by the Foundation of the Student Nurses Association

This program is structured in such a way that students are provided with a platform to actively get involved in community service as it relates to the field of healthcare and to overcome financial challenges.

7: New York State Memorial Scholarship

New York State Memorial offers a free LPN program in the city. The aim of the scholarship is to honor persons who lost their parents who once served in public safety careers.

What is the shortest time to become an LPN?

Seven months!

You can become an LPN in just 7 months when you enroll in an accelerated program. In accelerated programs, you can complete all the courses required to become an LPN in just seven months instead of the usual duration of one or two years.

What is the hardest class in the LPN program?

The hardest classes in LPN programs are usually those that have to do with chemistry and pharmacy, the likes of pharmacology and pathophysiology. However, with the right learning facility and study material, you can find yourself enjoying these classes.




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