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TB test for UK visa in Pretoria: IOM Pretoria TB test

TB test for UK visa in Pretoria: IOM Pretoria TB test:Ā Visitors planning to stay in the United Kingdom for any duration up to 6 months or more are mandated to undergo a migration health assessment, which is doneĀ to diagnose if they have active tuberculosis (TB). This screening is part of the compulsory visa application process to come to the United Kingdom. Are you currently in Pretoria, but you are wondering how to go about testing for TB before traveling to the UK? In this article, you will find critical details needed to start the TB testing and migration health assessment in Pretoria, SA.

TB test for UK visa in Pretoria: UK TB test Pretoria

The data gathered from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Tuberculosis ReportĀ for the yearĀ 2013Ā revealed that up to 8.6 million people were down withĀ TB in the past year (2012). The report also revealed thatĀ among the 8.6 million TB patients, up to 1.1 million patients wereĀ people living with HIV. For this reason, travelersĀ coming to the UK from certain countries and districts, including Pretoria, asĀ defined by the World Health Organization (WHO),Ā who want to stay up to 6 months or more in the UK either for educational purposes, recreation, employment, or other purposes, are to pass through a mandatoryĀ tuberculosis (TB) screening, which, on completion, will award a health certificate that shows he or she is free from the ailment.

To book appointments for TB medical examinations in PretoriaĀ and other districts like Cape TownĀ and Durban, you should reach out to the IOM portal contact number below. Do well to call during work days; their office is open from MondayĀ to Thursday (8:00Ā a.m.Ā toĀ 15:30Ā p.m.), and they are open on Fridays (8:00 a.m. toĀ 12:00Ā p.m.).

You should checkĀ Where can I book a TB test for UK visa in South Africa?

IOM Pretoria TB test: UK tb test Pretoria

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is in close partnership with theĀ British High Commission, making sure that the TB screeningĀ proceduresĀ for entrance into the UK are upright. If you are applying from Pretoria and you are up to 11 years old and above, then you have to get an IOM medical certificate, as this is the only document that attests that you donā€™t have an active TB, and you can go on to start your visa application for the UK.

Note that only those excluded from this screening are the diplomatic passport holders who are coming to the UK for official business or if you are on a posting to the UK. If you are qualified for the exempt visa or the application for a certificate of entitlement, then you are exempt from obtaining the TB test for UK visa in Pretoria.

Since the program kicked off in January 2013, the International Organization for Migration (IOM)Ā has so far screened more than 3500 TB travelers. The screening health centers in PretoriaĀ are on the list of the best centers to get tested. You can also go to Durban and Cape TownĀ to get tested.

This protocol has helped in discovering newĀ TB cases, andĀ it has alsoĀ facilitated better access toĀ theĀ treatment of TB in South Africa before they depart for the UK.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM)Ā UK Pre-Departure Tuberculosis Detection ProgramĀ became live in October 2005, andĀ progressively, the program hasĀ invoked up to eight (8)Ā countries of origin, and more than a hundred and ten thousand (110,000) people have been successfully screened for active tuberculosis every year.

What is the hardest visa to get?

IOM Migration Health Assessment CentreĀ in Pretoria

In Pretoria, you can reach theĀ International Organization for Migration (IOM)Ā office at the Walker Creek Office Park, Building 4(4),Ā Corner of Florence Ribeiro and Nicholson Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria.
Their contact number isĀ +27 12 342 2789.

Who can apply online for a UK TB test in Pretoria?

  1. People with past registration histories (that is, if you earlier screened yourself for TB to visit the UK)
  2. People who are under the age of 11
  3. If you are booking for your family members, note that you can only book for them if they are more than 11 years of age.

Reach out to the International Organization for Migration (IOM)Ā via emailĀ at :Ā; Note that you should mail during the working hours, MondaysĀ to Thursdays,Ā fromĀ 8:00 a.m. toĀ 4.30 p.m.,Ā and on Fridays, you can reach them from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Take note of this!

What type of TB test is required for UK visa?

The type of TB test required to get a UK visa is aĀ chest x-rayĀ screening. When the result is not explicit, your sputum sample may be collected for further analysis. When you are confirmed to be TB negative, you’ll be awarded the health certificate, which you will use for your visa application to the UK. The certificate is onlyĀ valid for 6 months from the test date.

What happens if TB test is positive for immigration?

If you areĀ screened as positive for tuberculosis (TB), you will be referred forĀ immediateĀ treatment atĀ the national institutes. The institute would have to abide by the standards set by the World Health Organization for tuberculosis treatment. Please bear in mind that a positive TB test screening result is not going to affect your dream of traveling to the UK; you just have to abide by the rules of further testing and treatments to get healed, and you can travel afterwards.

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