Study Abroad

Where are Laos and Lebanon?

Where are Laos and Lebanon? IfĀ you are searching to know about Laos and Lebanon and to know if they are located in the same region, you are at the right place. Just read carefully!

Where is Laos located?

Laos is a country located in Southeast Asia; officially, the country is referred to as the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic. In all of southwestern Asia, it is the only landlocked country.

Check out theseHardest Visas to Get (2024)

Here are visa-free locations for Laos citizens.

  1. Bermuda
  2. Brunei
  3. Cambodia
  4. Cook Islands
  5. Dominica
  6. Ecuador
  7. Haiti
  8. Indonesia
  9. Kenya
  10. Malaysia
  11. Micronesia
  12. Mongolia
  13. Myanmar
  14. Niue
  15. Philippines
  16. Russia
  17. Samoa
  18. Seychelles
  19. Singapore
  20. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  21. Suriname
  22. Taiwan
  23. Thailand
  24. Vietnam

Countries offering eVisa for Laos citizens

  1. Albania
  2. Antigua and Barbuda
  3. Armenia
  4. Bahamas
  5. Benin
  6. Bhutan
  7. Botswana
  8. Burkina Faso
  9. Cameroon
  10. The Democratic Republic of the Congo
  11. Ivory Coast
  12. Djibouti
  13. Equatorial Guinea
  14. Ethiopia
  15. Gabon
  16. Georgia
  17. Guinea
  18. India
  19. Iran
  20. Kazakhstan
  21. Kyrgyzstan
  22. Lesotho
  23. Montserrat
  24. Nigeria
  25. Papua New Guinea
  26. Qatar
  27. SĆ£o TomĆ© and PrĆ­ncipe
  28. Sierra Leone
  29. South Sudan
  30. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  31. Tajikistan
  32. Togo
  33. Uganda
  34. Uzbekistan
  35. Zimbabwe

More on visa

Where is Lebanon located?

Lebanon is referred to as theĀ Republic of Lebanon. The country is located in the Levant region of West Asia. Lebanon shares boundaries with Syria in the north and eastĀ directions,Ā and they share boundaries with Israel in the southern direction. The country is also bounded by Cyprus in the west across the Mediterranean Sea. BeirutĀ is Lebanonā€™s capital and largest city, and that is whereĀ most of the cultural and economic activities in the regionĀ take place.

Here are the visa-free countries for Lebanon passport holders:

  1. Barbados
  2. Cook Islands
  3. Dominica
  4. Ecuador
  5. Egypt
  6. Georgia
  7. Haiti
  8. Iran
  9. Jordan
  10. Kenya
  11. Macau
  12. Malaysia
  13. Micronesia
  14. Niue
  15. Oman
  16. Qatar
  17. Samoa
  18. Seychelles
  19. Suriname
  20. TĆ¼rkiye


Countries offering eVisa for Lebanon citizens


  1. Albania
  2. Antigua and Barbuda
  3. Bahamas
  4. Benin
  5. Bhutan
  6. Botswana
  7. Burkina Faso
  8. Cameroon
  9. The Democratic Republic of the Congo
  10. Ivory Coast
  11. Djibouti
  12. Equatorial Guinea
  13. Gabon
  14. Guinea
  15. Kazakhstan
  16. Kyrgyzstan
  17. Lesotho
  18. Malawi
  19. Montserrat
  20. Nigeria
  21. Papua New Guinea
  22. SĆ£o TomĆ© and PrĆ­ncipe
  23. South Sudan
  24. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  25. Togo
  26. Uganda
  27. Uzbekistan
  28. Vietnam
  29. Zambia
  30. Zimbabwe

Where are Laos and Lebanon located?

When asked where Laos and Lebanon are located, the answer is Asia. Lebanon is located in the Levant region of West Asia,Ā and Laos is a country located in Southeast Asia. They are both Asian countries.

TheĀ international relationshipĀ that existsĀ between Laos and Lebanon isĀ that which could be best described as NEUTRAL. There are extremely lowĀ chances of a conflict arising between both countries.

Distance from Laos to Lebanon

To get to Lebanon from Laos, it will take up to 6,689 kilometers. TheĀ distanceĀ for air travel is the shortest possible distance and is equal to 4,156 miles, or 6,689 km.

If yourĀ travel is via the air routes (with an average speed of 560 miles) starting from Laos, the distance isĀ approximately 7.42 hours to get to Lebanon.

Which country is Laos located in?

Laos is a country located in Southeast Asia; officially, the country is referred to as the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic.


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