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First day of school peer interview

First day of school peer interview: It is common to ask peer-to-peer questions on your first day of school. The reason I recommend this practice is that it is the best time for classmates to learn about your personality and how you view yourself. These interviews help peers learn about their strengths and weaknesses, and this will help in building collective aims, goals, and values as school activities commence.

The first day of school, peer interview questions

Below, I grouped the first day of school peer interviews into different categories; be sure to explore the list if you want to have the best time at school as classes commence.

Question on getting to school: fun peer interview questions

  • What are the new things you’d like to learn from school?
  • What drives your excitement the most about going to school?
  • What classes do you think you like best?
  • What subject do you hate?
  • Is there any new fun thing you love doing?
  • Name the fun places you’d like to go.
  • What were the fun activities you did over the summer?
  • Who is your favorite author?
  • What is the most interesting movie or TV show you love?
  • What songs interest you the most?
  • What toy do you like best?
  • What game do you love playing?
  • What is your best snack?
  • What is the best thing you love to wear?
  • What is your best color?
  • What animals are your favorites?
  • When you grow up, what do you want to be?
  • Why do you consider the career path you have chosen?
  • What is that thing you want to get better at if you are in control?
  • What do you want to ask your teacher?
  • How do you see the school environment?
  • Are you scared or worried about coming to this school?
  • What is one good experience you hope to gain on the first day of school?

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First day of school peer interview about your beliefs or values

  1. What does it mean if they say you are a law-abiding member of a community?
  2. If your best friend in class wants to copy your homework, how would you react?
  3. How would you react if the peer you want to join rejects you?

First day of school peer interview about yourself

  1. Tell us yourself or who you are.
  2. Can I know a little about your family?.
  3. In three words, how do you describe your personality?
  4. What are the personal achievements you have made so far?

After-class Questions

  1. What was your best class today?
  2. What was the most difficult activity you engaged in today?
  3. What did you learn in class today?
  4. Did you enjoy the classes?
  5. Which subject has been fun and easy so far?
  6. Which subject is the most difficult so far?

Here is all you need to know about the George Mason dance audition.

Interviews on school interests and attitudes

  1. What subject is your best, and is there any reason for that?
  2. What subject is your worst, and is there any reason for that?
  3. Did you in any way conflict with the school, and how were you able to maneuver?

What types of questions are asked in school interviews?

  1. Can you educate us on what you do outside of school?
  2. What are the obstacles and challenges that you have faced in life, and what measures did you take to solve them?
  3. What are the accomplishments and accolades you have received that you are proud to share with us?
  4. On what occasions did you demonstrate your leadership qualities? Can you share them with us?

What do you say to students on the first day of school?

  1. What activities do you love?
  2. In what seasons are you in your best state as a person?
  3. Are you emotionally, practically, and physically sound?
  4. What do you need to be successful this year?
  5. What does it mean when you ‘understand’ what was taught in school?
  6. What do you want school to do for you?

What is a good question to ask your classmates interest or hobbies

You can ask your classmates about their favorite hobbies, what they love to use free time to do, any form of volunteering activities they have engaged in so you can join if possible, ask about their hardest part of the week, learn more about their favorite books, favorite author, best TV show, best movies, and favorite color. All these details will help for a better cordial relationship and understanding as time goes on!

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